BREAKING: Supreme Court Will Hear Coach Kennedy’s Case
A Historic Opportunity to Restore Religious Liberty
The U.S. Supreme Court announced it will hear oral argument in Coach Joe Kennedy’s case.
People of faith across our country should be very encouraged. This is a historic opportunity to impact the future of religious liberty.
By agreeing to take this case, the Court will have an opportunity to protect the right of every American to live out their faith, including praying in public, without the fear of punishment.
First Liberty will be doing everything in our power to get the Court to affirm Coach Kennedy’s constitutional right to pray publicly and the rights of all Americans. We’re very hopeful that we can deliver a final victory.
The next several months will be incredibly busy. There’s a great deal of preparation ahead, and your generous support will make a tremendous difference in this final phase.
Please donate to First Liberty now. By giving today, you’ll help ensure our legal team and our arguments are razor-sharp when we go before the justices.