“It’s Not Coming Down!”

This was the rallying cry that spurred us on to victory for the Bladensburg Peace Cross and veterans memorials across the country. Today it carries even deeper meaning, now that the Peace Cross has been permanently saved and will remain standing for generations to come.

We made history together with this landmark victory—history that will allow you and millions of Americans to have more religious freedom than you’ve had in decades. And now, you can own a piece of that history with our one-of-a-kind, limited-edition, 1.75-inch antique silver Bladensburg Commemorative Coin.

The Victory is in the Details

Bladensburg Commemorative Coin | First Liberty Centered on the front face, atop a yellow ribbon, is the powerful declaration, “It’s not coming down”—a phrase coined by Kelly Shackelford himself at the historic 100th American Legion Convention in 2018. A detailed etching of Bladensburg Peace Cross itself is displayed right in the center along with the banner, rimmed on the outer edges by the legal name of the case and the triumphant declaration “U.S. Supreme Court Victory.”

Bladensburg Commemorative Coin | First Liberty Engraved on the outer edge of the coin’s reverse side in bold red lettering is the phrase “We made history together,” an expression of gratitude to you and thousands of Americans who faithfully supported First Liberty Institute and The American Legion—a partnership also reflected by the two logos centered side-by-side atop the American Flag. Inscribed on the bottom edge in vibrant yellow is the date June 20, 2019, the decisive day that the U.S. Supreme Court issued the historic Bladensburg ruling.

Own a Piece of History

Donate to receive your own Bladensburg Commemorative Coin today, and celebrate the lasting impact of this historic ruling with us! This limited-edition run won’t be available forever, and is a worthy addition to any memorabilia collection.

First Liberty Institute is recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. The amount of your contribution that is deductible for Federal income tax purposes is limited to the excess of the amount of your gift over the fair market value of the coin. The estimated fair market value of the coin is $15. Please consult your tax advisor, as personal circumstances can vary.

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