First Liberty Free Election Resources

The Rock | First Liberty

Ron Hittle | Faith Under Fire | First Liberty

Rooks | Scripture Censored | First Liberty


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Community | First Liberty
South Carolina Town Says ‘Permit Required’ for Religious Expression on Public Sidewalks
The Town of Chapin, South Carolina told Ernest Giardino that he needs a permit to hold up a religious sign on public sidewalks.
Oct. 30: Federal Appeals Court Date for Atlantic City First Responder
On October 30th, we’ll argue our case at a federal appeals court on behalf of Alex Smith, a first responder, pastor and chaplain in Atlantic City.
Community | First Liberty
Coach Deion Sanders Can’t Invite Chaplain to Pray with Football Team, Says Anti-Religious Group
University of Colorado football coach Deion Sanders invited a chaplain to speak to his team and offer a prayer after a recent game. But the Freedom From Religion Foundation is complaining that this violates the Constitution. They’re wrong.
Community | First Liberty
Religious Voters Have the Power to Change America
Election Day is fast approaching. But only a fraction of Americans who say religious liberty is important actually vote in major elections. If we want to protect religious freedom and all our civil liberties, people of faith can’t stay on the sidelines.
Judicial | First Liberty
Latest News and Updates on Radical Court “Reform”
The Supreme Court is under attack. Every day, we see a new headline or story targeting either the Court or the justices. Stay up-to-date on everything that’s happening with court “reform” and ideas to destroy our judicial system.
Community | First Liberty
New Election Study: Are People of Faith Actually Voting?
79% of Americans identify as a person of faith. A Barna study explains how only half of them are likely vote in November.
First Liberty | Meet Kelly Shackelford

Kelly Shackelford: 35 Years of Leading the Fight

“Everybody’s free to go do great things.”

If you’re around First Liberty for long, you’ll hear these words from Kelly Shackelford more than a few times. But to Kelly, this isn’t just an empty mantra. It’s the culmination of a lifelong mission, and a goal that still drives him forward to this day: the freedom to live out your faith.


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