Military Veteran

Oscar Rodriguez represented by First Liberty Institute

Pentagon Launches Investigation into Veteran’s Removal from Military Base Over Speech Referencing God

Secretary of the Air Force calls for an investigation by the Air Force Inspector General
June 23, 2016 • Press Releases

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Two days after First Liberty sent a demand letter to the Air Force on behalf of their client Oscar Rodriguez, Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James ordered the Air Force Inspector General to review the Air Force’s actions against Mr. Rodriguez. During a retirement ceremony […]

Image of Oscar in uniform

Attorneys Demand Justice for Air Force Veteran Kicked Off Military Base Over Speech Including the Word “God”

After Airmen assaulted Oscar Rodriguez at a private military retirement ceremony for giving a patriotic flag-folding speech that included the word “God,” attorneys send letter to military commander demanding justice
June 20, 2016 • Press Releases

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Today, First Liberty Institute sent a demand letter to military leaders, asking them to apologize for assaulting Oscar Rodriguez, a decorated Air Force veteran with over thirty years of military service, and kicking him off Travis Air Force Base for giving a speech that included the word […]

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