Your “In God We Trust” window cling is on its way!
Thank you for taking a stand by declaring your patriotism and your right to live out your faith.
Now that you’re supporting religious liberty on your automobile window, would you consider taking that support one step further and donating to keep religious liberty protected?.
The fact is, “In God We Trust” is under increasing attack. Multiple opposition groups and activists have targeted our national motto, trying to remove it from the public eye as much as possible. And all too often, the intimidation tactics of these activist groups work.
If we don’t fight back, we as Americans could begin losing our religious heritage faster than we ever thought possible. The threats of these groups can start a ripple effect as “In God We Trust” starts disappearing from public display…veterans memorial crosses are removed…prayer disappears from town meetings…and more.
We need your help to defeat these attacks in court — and in the court of public opinion! First Liberty Institute has a proven track record of defeating opponents of religious freedom, but we can’t continue to win these victories without the help of friends like you.
Donate to keep religious liberty protected today!