
Around the Institute: What’s Happening at First Liberty

June 2, 2023
Around the Institute | First Liberty Institute

A roundup of important headlines and exciting things going on at the organization.

First Liberty Legal Fellow to Begin Federal Court Clerkship

This week, we said a bittersweet goodbye to Legal Fellow Courtney Jones, who’s been part of our team since September 2022. We are excited to announce that Courtney will be starting a federal court clerkship.

Courtney graduated with honors from Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law, where she served as a mentor for the Academic Success Program. During law school, she was a judicial extern at the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, the Chief Student Associate in the Actual Innocence Clinic, and a competition director with the Board of Advocates. Courtney spent her summers as a legal intern to the Honorable Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk in the Northern District of Texas, at the Collin County District Attorney’s Office, and at First Liberty.

She received her bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Texas A&M University in 2018, graduating magna cum laude. She was a member of the Psychology Honors Program and worked as an honors research assistant on Texas A&M’s Making the Maker project.

We will miss Courtney. We are tremendously proud of her and wish her the very best as she takes this important step in her career.

Courtney Jones | First Liberty

Restoring Faith in America: Helping Parents Bring “In God We Trust” to Texas Schools

We recently supported several citizens in Plano, Texas who wanted to bring “In God We Trust” signs to their local schools. State law allows public schools to display plaques with our nation’s motto when they are donated by private citizens. First Liberty staff members Megan Moses and Sarah Merino tell us about the experience:

“We had a unique opportunity to come alongside people in our community who are doing grassroots work to rightfully restore religious expression in their schools. Countless Americans across the country are worried that religion is being edged out of the public eye. Even in the Lonestar state, we witness our schools forgetting the rich traditions on which America is built.

That’s why First Liberty’s mission is so critical. Faith should be lived out loud, and these ‘In God We Trust’ posters are a shining beacon for all students. We were both humbled and grateful to be with Lisa, Adam, Cleo and Jessica as they delivered these posters to schools in their neighborhood. This is just one of many examples of everyday people having the confidence and the legal foundation to go and Restore Faith in America.”

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