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Trump Judges | First Liberty Insider

How Well Do the Trump Judges Perform?

September 20, 2024

A new research report measured how well Trump-appointed judges perform in their judicial duties compared to other judges.

First Liberty Insider | Biden Nominations

Biden Not Likely to Match Trump on Judicial Confirmations, Experts Predict

September 6, 2024

Several Biden judicial picks have generated opposition. The President could have trouble getting these radical nominees confirmed.

Kamala Judicial Nominees | FLI Insider

Experts Warn: A Kamala Harris Administration Could Mean More Radical Judicial Nominees

August 23, 2024

First Liberty has consistently warned about the Biden administration’s radical and controversial judicial nominees – Harris could be the same.

Kamala Supported Legislation Threatened Religious Freedom | FLI Insider

Kamala Harris Supported Legislation That Threatened Religious Freedom

August 16, 2024

As a U.S. Senator, Kamala Harris introduced a bill that would have taken away legal protections for religious Americans. She also supported legislation to remove a landmark law that people of faith have relied on for 30 years.

Biden on Track to Surpass Trump on Judicial Confirmations | FLI Insider

Is Biden on Track to Surpass Trump on Judicial Confirmations?

August 16, 2024

Some reports suggest Biden could surpass Trump’s 234 judicial confirmations. But it may get complicated for the President and his party.

Radical Nominee Argued for More Severe Restrictions FLI | Insider

Radical Nominee Argued for More Severe Restrictions on Churches During Pandemic

August 9, 2024

President Biden nominated Ryan Y. Park for the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals. He pushed to place harsher limitations on houses of worship but not on businesses.

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