Flight Attendant Refuses to be Cancled by Woke Airline | First Liberty

Alaska Airlines fired Lacey Smith and Marli Brown, two flight attendants, for expressing their religious beliefs in direct violation of federal Civil Rights law prohibiting workplace religious discrimination. The woke madness that is now governing our nation’s companies, from the boardroom to the break room, is forcing religious employees to hide their faith or risk losing their jobs.

Lacey Smith | First Liberty

Not Backing Down From Woke Culture

When Alaska Airlines proudly declared on the company’s internal message board its support of the passage of the deceptively-titled Equality Act, it invited employees to comment. First Liberty clients Lacey and Marli responded on the company’s online forum, asking genuine and respectful questions about their employer’s support for the legislation. Their faith compelled them to ask about the Airline’s support for federal legislation that would remove protections for women and religious employees in the workplace. The company disparaged their beliefs and promptly fired them over these questions.

But Lacey and Marli are not backing down. They are fighting this discrimination in court.


First Liberty Appeals to the Ninth Circuit Court

We just took an important step forward in our Alaska Airlines case involving Lacey Smith and Marli Brown, the two flight attendants who were fired for their religious beliefs.

We filed an appeal asking the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit to overturn a lower court decision against our clients. That ruling would empower employers to punish employees simply for expressing their religious beliefs.

We’re going to continue to fight for our clients until Alaska Airlines and the Association of Flight Attendants are held accountable, and American employees are safe from discrimination.

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Stop the Woke Movement

Join First Liberty today to see that Lacey and Marli get the justice they deserve. When you support First Liberty, you not only protect the jobs of people like them, but also your own job and the jobs of people close to you.

Join the Fight!

*If contributions exceed the immediate needs of a specific project or case, First Liberty may redirect funds at its discretion to provide support for other religious liberty matters.


Alaska Banner | First Liberty

Protecting Religious
Employees From Discrimination

Religious employees have the right to
be free from discrimination and harassment in the workplace.
In this free download, learn how Title VII of
the 1964 Civil Rights Act protects employees
based on their religious beliefs.

Get Your Title 7 | First Liberty

Woke Alaska Quote Marks | First Liberty

“The corporate ‘canceling’ of our clients by Alaska Airlines makes a mockery of laws that protect religious Americans from employment discrimination.”

– First Liberty Senior Counsel, David Hacker

Alaska Airlines David Hacker Quote | First Liberty

Discrimination Doesn’t Fly

Alaska Airlines certainly has the right to acknowledge its support for the Equality Act. But the Airline cannot wield its social advocacy as a sword to unlawfully discriminate against religious employees. Censoring only religious perspectives is discrimination—and it’s illegal.

Lacey’s and Marli’s termination demonstrates the heavy hand woke corporate America wields over religious employees. There are devastating repercussions for those who dare to violate the “acceptable” speech codes set up by the corporate elite. It cost Lacey and Marli the jobs they loved and severely tarnished their professional reputation.

Woke Company Alaska Airlines Planes | First Liberty

Lacey Smith Stands Up to Woke Alaska Airlines | First Liberty

The Ones to Take a Stand

Thankfully, there are courageous Americans like Lacey and Marli willing to take a stand for our country’s historic commitment to religious freedom. They want to hold woke corporate America accountable and strike a blow against the toxic cancel culture, so the same thing that happened to them does not happen to you or someone in your family.

Protect Religious Freedom in the Workplace

Join the Fight

Now is the time for Americans to follow Lacey and Marli in their courage. We must stand up against corporations who want them and other people of faith to be canceled.

Since most of our courageous clients don’t have the money to defend themselves, First Liberty defends them in court for free. But even the force multiplying effect of our national network of volunteer attorneys—the best attorneys from the top law firms in the county—is not enough.

We simply cannot match the huge war chests of the enemies of faith, including corporations that have millions at their disposal.

Please give now and join First Liberty in this fight. Your support is essential in delivering a legal victory for Lacy, Marli, and the many Americans who are singled out for their faith in the workplace.

*If contributions exceed the immediate needs of a specific project or case, First Liberty may redirect funds at its discretion to provide support for other religious liberty matters.

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