Thank you for signing the petition to protect and defend free speech for students and teachers in America.
By adding your name, you are joining thousands of First Liberty supporters who know that our students and teachers – especially those in private, Christian schools – should never be afraid to pray, even when they’re on government property.
It’s outright shameful when the state stops private, Christian schools from praying over a loudspeaker before a football game.
That type of blatant censorship and suppression send chills down your spine – especially because it could happen to your very own children and to that of millions of Americans who send their kids to a religious school.
Think about it: If state officials can discriminate against religious schools and prevent them from praying, then it won’t be long before they pick and choose other types of speech to censor.
And so we ask: Where does this assault on free speech stop? Where else do religious students have to go in order to pray?
Right now, you have an opportunity to ensure that those attacks don’t go any further. By making your most generous gift to First Liberty, our attorneys can continue to provide top-notch representation to all of our clients – like the students and teachers at Cambridge Christian – at no charge to them.
Will you join us on the frontlines and defend religious liberty for all Americans?