Current Cases

First Liberty Institute is dedicated to protecting your religious liberty in every part of your life. Select a category below to see how we’re fighting for your freedom right now.

La Costa Heights Elementary


September 24, 2024

Parents have the right to know what their children are being taught in school, especially when that material goes against their sincerely held religious beliefs.

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Cambridge Christian School Case

Cambridge Christian School

September 4, 2024

Government Refuses to Allow Christian Students to Pray Before Championship Football Game.

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California Charter Schools

June 18, 2024

Excluding families from educational benefits because of their religious choices is not only unconstitutional, it’s wrong.

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Revised Rainbow

Creekside Prayer Club

May 8, 2024

It is unimaginable why a school would deny an eleven-year old girl the right to start an interfaith prayer club while allowing other diverse groups to meet on campus.

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Bangor Christian Schools

February 27, 2024

Government discrimination against parents because of their religious choices for their children is not only unconstitutional, it’s wrong.

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Dr.varkey Headshot 2

Dr. Johnson Varkey

February 20, 2024

A biology professor fired for teaching biology.

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