Current Cases

First Liberty Institute is dedicated to protecting your religious liberty in every part of your life. Select a category below to see how we’re fighting for your freedom right now.

First Liberty Insider | Gethsemani Food Ministry

Gethsemani Baptist Church

August 1, 2024

Church in Arizona border town prevented from distributing food to poor residents by city officials.

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Chris Avell 0011

Dad’s Place

July 23, 2024

People who take action to care for the homeless should be encouraged and affirmed, not arrested and fined.

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The Rock Church

The Rock

July 19, 2024

Colorado town has decided that it’s illegal to offer temporary shelter to the homeless.

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Koc3 2019

Knights of Columbus Memorial Day Service

May 30, 2024

It’s shameful that the National Park Service is treating religious Americans like second class citizens.

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Florida HOA Discriminates Against Jews | First Liberty Institute

Rabbi Naftaly Hertzel

May 20, 2024

The actions of a FL HOA against a Jewish Rabbi violate basic decency and obligations under federal law.

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Church Autonomy Case | First Liberty

SBC Mission Board / Church Autonomy Case

April 5, 2024

True religious freedom means that churches must be free not only to decide what they believe, but also how they convey their beliefs. Courts abuse their power when they exert themselves into such matters.

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