In the News

Opinion Editorial Article The Hill

Little Sisters decision is a win for religious liberty

July 29, 2020 • In the News

The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent opinion in Little Sisters of the Poor v. Pennsylvania may be more important for religious freedom in the long run than its mixed reception among religious liberty advocates would indicate.

American Thinker Logo

Freedom and Independence are Inextricably Linked

July 13, 2020 • In the News

In the classic 1987 film The Princess Bride, Inigo Montoya, after listening to Vizzini’s incessant use of the word “inconceivable” turns to his employer and says, “You keep using that word; I don’t think it means what you think it means.”


Navy Bans Personnel From Attending Church

July 13, 2020 • In the News

For the tens of millions of Americans of faith who worship together regularly, the onset of COVID-19 has been a spiritual tragedy. Houses of worship of every faith and denomination have been emptied by government fiat.

The Daily Signal

2 Federal Courts, 1 Constitutional Right

June 30, 2020 • In the News

Two federal appeals courts last week issued decisions on challenges to coronavirus-related executive orders by the governors of Illinois and Louisiana.
In each case, churches and religious organizations challenged a governor’s restrictions on meeting in person at houses of worship while allowing other group activities to proceed, saying those orders violated the First Amendment. 


Let Flag Day Remind Us All of America’s Promise

June 19, 2020 • In the News

This year maybe more than any in recent memory, Americans need a source of unity more durable than any source of contention. Let it be our flag.


Have We Earned our Freedom?

June 15, 2020 • In the News

“James, earn this…earn it.” The final words spoken by Captain John Miller, portrayed by Tom Hanks in Steven Spielberg’s WWII epic Saving Private Ryan, are an exhortation to the film’s eponymous character to live a life worthy of the sacrifice made to save it.

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