The “Peace Cross,” the focus of an intense court case regarding its upkeep and placement on public land, stands at a busy intersection in Bladensburg, Md. (Michael Robinson Chavez/The Washington Post) By: Robert Barnes and Ann E. Marimow The Supreme Court agreed Friday to decide whether a 40-foot cross in the median of […]
A 2014 lawsuit said that the Peace Cross, which sits on state land in Bladensburg, Md., was an endorsement of Christianity.CreditCreditAlgerina Perna/The Baltimore Sun, via Associated Press By: Adam Liptak WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court agreed on Friday to decide whether a 40-foot cross on state property in suburban Maryland violates […]
By: Lathan Watts, First Liberty Institute’s Director of Community Relations. Senior living facilities have become the setting for new battles over religious liberty. Unfortunately, a growing hostility to faith has found its way into some of these communities. According to Forbes, approximately 10,000 Baby Boomers reach retirement age every day. […]
US SUPREME COURT – The Supreme Court now has the opportunity to hear a second case about Christian bakers hit hard by their state for not making gay marriage cakes. And this gives the high court a chance to go further in protecting religious liberty than it did with the […]
By: Kevin Daley The American Legion and a Maryland planning commission are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to protect a cross-shaped World War I memorial, after the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals found the monument violates the Constitution. Supporters of the petition say the 4th Circuit’s decision compromises war […]
By Jeremy Days, Deputy General Counsel at First Liberty Florida city reminded the First Amendment protects religious speech of expression everywhere in America, including the Citrus Bowl Earlier in 2018, we witnessed the passing of an American icon, the Rev. Billy Graham, whose fame, beyond his years of faithful preaching, […]