In the News

Christian Air Force Colonel vindicated in gay marriage dispute

April 13, 2018 • In the News

A Christian US Air Force Colonel has been cleared after he was disciplined for taking a stand for traditional marriage. Leland Bohannon was found guilty of unlawful discrimination by the Air Force after he refused to sign a “certificate of spouse appreciation” for the same-sex spouse of a retiring colleague.

OPINION: Why the Left Is Wrong About Jefferson’s ‘Wall of Separation Between Church and State’

April 12, 2018 • In the News

April 13 marks the 275th anniversary of Thomas Jefferson’s birthday. A renaissance man with a long and accomplished legacy, Jefferson played a major role in the founding of the United States of America—and establishing its strong protections for religious freedom for all. There can be no better way to celebrate […]

In Neil Gorsuch, Trump Kept His Promise to the American People

April 11, 2018 • In the News

Ken Blackwell – First Liberty Institute Board Member Opinion Editorial on On April 10, Justice Neil Gorsuch will celebrate his first anniversary on the United States Supreme Court. President Donald Trump and his supporters should celebrate as well, because in Gorsuch, Trump kept one of his core campaign promises […]

At Last — A Military Religious Liberty Win

April 10, 2018 • In the News

A win for religious liberty in the military is not something we hear much of these days, but alas, miracles occasionally do happen. Leland Bohannon is a colonel in the Air Force who was unfairly denied the rank of one-star general last year. A longtime friend of his explains in […]

Navy Investigates Bible on “Missing Man Table” Tribute

April 9, 2018 • In the News

The U.S. Navy is investigating complaints lodged by a sailors and Marines about a Bible and a “One Nation under God” placard placed on a POW/MIA table at the U.S. Naval Hospital in Okinawa, Japan. The Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a radical group that has a history of targeting public […]

OPINION: A Florida Condo Association Bans a Ladies’ Bible Study

April 9, 2018 • In the News

Most retirees buy a condominium hoping for a peaceful, carefree retirement. Most don’t expect their condominium to target them because of their religion. Unfortunately, Florida retiree Donna Dunbar found just the opposite when she moved to the Cambridge House condominiums in Port Charlotte.

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