In the News

Stars and Stripes

DOD must honor religious accommodations on shots

September 15, 2021 • In the News

The Department of Defense’s recent announcement that all service members must now receive the COVID-19 vaccine, or else, sends the wrong message to America’s military. My firm, First Liberty Institute, has recently been inundated with requests for legal help from service members about the legality of a COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

Tallahassee Democrat

City is punishing homeless ministry for helping during a crisis

August 15, 2021 • In the News

As COVID ravaged the nation, far too many Americans became homeless. Statistically, there is little doubt homelessness increased last year. Some analysts believe it was even worse than the numbers show.
The city of Tallahassee was no different, facing a pandemic-induced homelessness crisis during winter while many shelters closed their doors.

American Thinker Logo

Court-packing: The left mounts a pincer movement

August 12, 2021 • In the News

With prospects for court-packing growing ever dimmer, President Joe Biden’s Supreme Court study commission trundles on.  Like some law school debate society, the scholars and activists on the commission continue to cross swords on various reform proposals that are months away from any reality check by Congress or the American voter.

The Hill

No reason to pack the court

July 15, 2021 • In the News

Perhaps the U.S. Supreme Court is not as ideologically tilted as some have led the country to believe. Members of the “Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States” should take notice.

The Federalist Society

IRS Reverses After Denying Tax-Exemption to Christian Non-Profit

July 14, 2021 • In the News

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently faced a legal, media, and political firestorm after denying tax-exempt status to a Texas non-profit organization, Christians Engaged. The IRS denial letter read in part that the organization’s educational use of Christian principles made it a political advocate for the Republican Party.


The Radical Left’s Court-Packing Scheme Falls Flat

June 29, 2021 • In the News

Imagine you are a major dark money donor to the radical Left’s campaign to pack the U.S. Supreme Court. Is it time to ask for your money back?
The campaign to add new seats to the Supreme Court is making little headway. It faces bad poll numbers, a White House that has punted to a 36-member study commission, pushback in Congress and current justices whose own statements belie the radical Left’s cartoonish characterization of the Court as a hyper-partisan, bigoted wrecking crew hammering away at the foundations of American democracy.

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