In the News

The Religious-Liberty Showdowns Coming in 2017

The Religious-Liberty Showdowns Coming in 2017

The Atlantic
December 28, 2016 • In the News

From mosque surveillance to new religious-exemption laws, a look at some of the issues likely to come up under Trump.

Marine Discharged Over Bible Verses Petitions Supreme Court
December 27, 2016 • In the News

A Marine lance corporal who was given a bad conduct discharge in 2014 for offenses including refusal to remove printed Bible passages from her work station is now petitioning the Supreme Court to review her case.

Marine Who Was Dishonorably Discharged for Posting a Bible Verse Appealed to The Supreme Court

Independent Journal Review
December 25, 2016 • In the News

Lance Corporal Monifa Sterling was charged with disrespecting a superior commissioned officer and four counts of disobeying a lawful order after she refused to remove a Bible verse from her desk.

Catholic Woman Fights Back Against Health Center for Firing Her for Not Teaching Contraception

The Stream
December 21, 2016 • In the News

A Catholic health educator has filed a complaint with the federal government accusing a Houston health center of violating her religious freedom.

‘I will always put my faith first’: Catholic health educator fired for refusing to teach birth control

Washington Post
December 21, 2016 • In the News

A former Texas health-center worker said she was fired and discriminated against after refusing to teach patients about contraceptive practices that, she says, violate her religious beliefs.

Catholic Teacher Fired for Refusing to Teach Birth Control

PJ Media
December 21, 2016 • In the News

Texas health instructor who is also an immigrant from Guatemala has charged her former employer for discrimination after she lost her job for refusing to teach contraception, which violates her religious beliefs.

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