In the News

A faithful coach wants his job back

Fox News Opinion
August 9, 2016 • In the News

High school football coach Joe Kennedy was fired for praying and now he wants his job back. Read full article »

Attorney General Meese: Lawyers’ Ethics Rule Is Fascist, Anti-Christian

August 8, 2016 • In the News

On Aug. 8 or 9, ABA’s House of Delegates will vote on whether to adopt the recommendation from one of its committees to adopt ABA Model Rule 8.4. Read full article »

The Constitution protects women-only swim hours for Orthodox Jewish women (and others)

Daily News
July 26, 2016 • In the News

Built in 1922, the Department of Public Works hoped its indoor pool would help promote public health and serve the entire Williamsburg community — a community heavily populated with members of the Orthodox Jewish faith. Read full article »

A Pastor Fights Against Government Restrictions on Political Sermons

The Daily Signal
July 26, 2016 • In the News

When the Rev. Gus Booth found out the IRS was dropping its inquiry into Warroad Community Church where he preaches, he was actually disappointed. Read full article »

Iowa Civil Rights Agency Says It Won’t Tell Pastors What to Preach on Sexuality

The Daily Signal
July 13, 2016 • In the News

Iowa’s human rights agency, in a “clarification,” says it will not muzzle churches that teach on matters of biblical sexuality, nor force them to open single-sex restrooms to members of the opposite sex. Read full article »

Will Mississippi ruling against religion law deter Texas Republicans?

Austin American Statesman
July 1, 2016 • In the News

A federal judge blocked Mississippi from enforcing a law that would allow businesses and government workers to refuse to serve same-sex couples and transgender people based on religious beliefs — a ruling that comes six months before conservative Republicans plan to push similar bills in Texas. Read full article »

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