Do students have a constitutional right to speak about their religious beliefs in a graduation speech?
It began in 2013 when Marine Lance Cpl. Monifa Sterling – a devout Christian – wanted to express her religious beliefs in the workplace where she was stationed at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Read full article »
By George Yancey—I bow to nobody as a protector of religious freedom and a critic of Christianophobia in our society. Read full article »
Rare arguments before the highest military court in the land Wednesday came down to whether a Marine’s refusal to obey orders to remove signs from her desk containing a biblical passage were her exercising her right of religious freedom or just plain insubordination. Read full article »
A Marine discharged for failing to remove a Bible verse posted in her work area will have her case appealed in the military’s highest court Wednesday. Read full article »
Highest military court hears case of former Marine who refused to take down a Bible verse posted in her workplace; Shannon Bream provides insight on ‘Special Report.’