In the News

Football Coach who was suspended after refusing to stop praying on the field is fighting back in a big way

The Blaze
December 15, 2015 • In the News

“I want to teach my kids those same values; that you have to take a stand for what is right, even if it might cost you,” he said. Read full article »

Church tent noise level now a religious liberty test

Baptist Press
December 15, 2015 • In the News

“We want Vintage Church to be treated fairly,” Justin Butterfield, senior counsel for Liberty Institute, told the Baptist Message. “The noise ordinance that the parish is enforcing against them permits much louder volumes for jackhammers, construction noise and lawnmowers.” Read full article »

Louisiana Pastor be Jailed or Fined for Church Being too Loud

Daily Caller
December 15, 2015 • In the News

A New Orleans pastor who spent seven years rebuilding the city after Hurricane Katrina says he is now being bullied by local officials and intimidated by cops in a classic case of discrimination disguised as a noise dispute. Read full article »

Worshipping too loud? Fox Interview with Lead Pastor Rob Wilton at Vintage Church and Ken Klukowski

Fox and Friends
December 13, 2015 • In the News

“If the government is going to be putting this kind of a burden on peoples exercise of their religious faith, they can only do so if it’s the least restrictive means to serve a compelling public interest,” said Ken Klukowski. Watch Video »

Liberty Institute Helps Legion Keep Cross

One News Now
December 8, 2015 • In the News

A federal court has ruled the monument is legal and that it can remain. Read full article »

Senators Side with Cheerleaders in School Speech Fight

December 5, 2015 • In the News

“The religious messages the cheerleaders choose to display on their banners is plainly the private speech of the cheerleaders and deserves protection,” Hiram Sasser, director of Litigation for Liberty Institute, said. Read full article »

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