In the News

Steve Largent: Coaches Like Joe Kennedy Are Why I Made It In The NFL

Seattle Times
November 4, 2015 • In the News

“If it weren’t for the Joe Kennedys of the coaching world, I wouldn’t have become the man I am today, played for the Seahawks, and certainly would not have made it to the Pro Football Hall of Fame.” Read full article »

Navy Chaplain Resumes Ministry After Fight Over Beliefs

Washington Times
November 4, 2015 • In the News

“Federal courts have made it clear that ‘religious freedom doesn’t stop just because you join the military,’ said Michael Berry, a lawyer with Liberty Institute, which assisted in Chaplain Modder’s case.” Read full article »

Congressman Forbes’ Defends Coach Kennedy on House Floor

Congressional Speech on House Floor
November 4, 2015 • In the News

“As a member of congress, my faith is not some kind of coat that I take off when I walk into the capitol building to perform my legislative duties, and as a coach, Coach Kennedy’s faith is not something he sheds when he walks onto the field.” Watch Video »

Congressman Walberg Stands with Coach Kennedy on House Floor

Congressional Speech on House Floor
November 4, 2015 • In the News

“Can you believe that the school district is trying to argue that you can pray just as long as no one can see it? But that’s not what the constitution says; it protects the free exercise of religion. It doesn’t say the public square should be a faith free zone. Faith must impact life.” Watch Video »

Congressman Palazzo Urges Protection of Religious Freedom on House Floor

Congressional Speech on House Floor
November 4, 2015 • In the News

“What is at stake here is nothing less than the future of our country’s religious liberties, the religious liberties upon which our very nation was founded.” Watch Video »

HHA Withdraws Eminent Domain Threat Against Fifth Ward Church

Houston Press
November 3, 2015 • In the News

After a three-month legal battle, the Houston Housing Authority has voluntarily withdrawn its threat of eminent domain that had longtime Fifth Ward church leaders up in arms. Read full article »

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