In the News


‘Borking’ Nominees Continues to Haunt Freedom

November 3, 2020 • In the News

October 23 will mark 33 years since the U.S. Senate—led, in part, by then-Senator Joe Biden—defeated the nomination of Robert Bork to the Supreme Court of the United States. That same day in 2020, the U.S. Senate will likely have before it the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett.

The Daily Signal

Amy Coney Barrett Will Protect the Constitution

November 3, 2020 • In the News

Modern debates over judicial nominees, to our great national shame, seem to feature more attacks on the person than sincere deliberation about his or her professional credentials.
Missing is any reflection on the nominee’s judicial philosophy and demonstrated commitment to upholding the Constitution.


No More Surprises. Confirm Judge Barrett

October 21, 2020 • In the News

You know it’s coming. Americans are bracing for the Democrats’ “October Surprise.” Usually reserved for the final weeks of a presidential election, this year’s October Surprise may arrive any day now in the United States Senate.

The Missouri Times

Attacking Judge Barrett’s faith, race is wrong

October 21, 2020 • In the News

When President Trump performed his constitutional duty by nominating Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the nation’s highest court in order to fill the seat vacated by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the nation collectively held its breath.

Amy Coney Barrett’s Nomination Won’t be Derailed by Democrats’ Political Theater

October 21, 2020 • In the News

Posterboard pictures and a children’s book about the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg set the stage for Democrats’ political theater at the Senate Committee on the Judiciary as it launched confirmation hearings for Judge Amy Coney Barrett Monday.

Amy Coney Barrett Should be Judged on Her Credentials. Leave Her Kids Alone

October 21, 2020 • In the News

As the adoptive parents of a daughter born in China, our hearts break for Judge Amy Coney Barrett and her family. The left’s attacks on her for adopting two children from Haiti are repulsive and wrong

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