On August 1, Majority Leader Schumer & 23 Senators introduced the deceptively named “No Kings Act.” The name may be clever and sound innocent enough, but that is far from the truth.
We just released the animated video of our children’s book, “Founded on Freedom.” Through beautiful illustrations and poetic verses, kids of all ages will enjoy learning about America’s independence.
For a better understanding of the history and tradition test, Tim Barton, president of Wallbuilders and an expert in American history, breaks down how our nation’s past will determine how religious expression plays out in the public square today.
Our client Judge Dianne Hensley got a great victory! The Texas Supreme Court has ruled in favor of Judge Dianne Hensley, who received a reprimand from the State Commission on Judicial Conduct for not performing weddings inconsistent with her religious beliefs. To ensure all residents of McLennan County have access […]
The enemies of faith are taking notice: people are standing up for their beliefs and winning back their constitutional freedoms. And they don’t like these victories one bit.
We call it, the Future of Faith and Freedom or F3. F3 is dedicated to helping these up-and-coming generations learn how they can move the needle for faith in an impactful and meaningful way.