On First Liberty Live!, we talk to our new client Dr. Johnson Varkey, who was fired from St. Philip’s College in San Antonio, TX for teaching basic biology.
On First Liberty Live!, we go on location to interview several Texas residents who are donating “In God We Trust” posters to their local public schools.
Together, we can bring public expressions of faith back to our communities. Matt Krause, former Texas state representative, will unpack how you can be a part of First Liberty’s Restoring Faith in America project.
On today’s episode, professor and author Mark David Hall will delve into the intersection of religion and America’s founding.
We’re joined by Director of Military Affairs, Mike Berry, as he shares the importance of celebrating Memorial Day – including ways you can honor the fallen this year.
The Biden administration has been nominating federal judges at an historic rate. Watch Carrie Severino, President of the Judicial Crisis Network, unpack what you need to know about these judicial nominees.