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Live | Jacob Kersey

Police Officer Silenced for His Faith

February 24, 2023 • Photos & Video

When police officer Jacob Kersey posted on his social media about his religious beliefs, he assumed it was private religious speech. His supervisors at the Port Wentworth police department, however, gave him the choice: either take down the post or lose your job.

Live | Jordan Ballor

Religious Liberty in the States: Ranking all 50

February 24, 2023 • Photos & Video

Which state has the most religious protections in America? That’s the question the Religious Liberty in the States Index sought to answer. Director of Research at the Center for Religion Culture & Democracy, Jordan Ballor, discusses this project and the top state.

First Liberty Live | Navy SEALs Argument

The Navy SEALs – Uncut Oral Argument

February 6, 2023 • Photos & Video

Hear the uncut oral argument from the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. Beforehand, President Kelly Shackelford will unpack what you’re about to hear.

First Liberty Live! | Tim Goeglein

Religious Freedom and a More Perfect Union

January 27, 2023 • Photos & Video

Feel like America is slowly losing its’ faith? Want to know how we can return to a time when we were a ‘more perfect union’?

First Liberty Live! | Groff

The Faithful Carrier: Headed to the Supreme Court

January 27, 2023 • Photos & Video

Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court announced that it will hear our case involving Gerald Groff, a postal worker who was wrongly forced to quit his job because of his religious beliefs.

First Liberty Live! | CVS

No Accommodation for Faith

January 27, 2023 • Photos & Video

Robyn Strader, a highly educated nurse practitioner, was fired from CVS Pharmacy for her faith and for pushing back against the “woke” ideals of CVS. First Liberty stepped in and this week filed an official lawsuit against CVS for religious discrimination.

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