In 2019, First Liberty protected the Bladensburg Peace Cross with a landmark U.S. Supreme Court victory. The Cross has been standing for over 100 years and now the memorial has been restored and was rededicated on Veterans Day.
Lea Patterson shares why First Liberty is defending a Ten Commandments monument in Little Rock. She also explains how the Coach Kennedy victory at the Supreme Court will now play into the outcome in Arkansas.
Lea Patterson shares why First Liberty is defending a Ten Commandments monument in Little Rock. She also explains how the Coach Kennedy victory at the Supreme Court will now play into the outcome in Arkansas.
First Liberty is excited to announce the launch of our latest project, Restoring Faith in America.
When Valerie Kloosterman was fired for standing up for her faith, First Liberty stepped in to file a lawsuit on her behalf against the University of Michigan Health.
Since Roe v Wade was overturned this summer, faith-based crisis pregnancy centers have been under constant threat of destruction and vandalism.