Press Releases

Supreme Court Delivers Unanimous Landmark Victory for Postal Carrier

June 29, 2023 • Press Releases

Press Statement For Immediate Release: 6.29.23 Contact: John Manning, Direct: 972-941-4453 Supreme Court Delivers Unanimous Landmark Victory for Postal Carrier Decision means fewer religious employees will have to choose between their faith and their job. Washington, DC—Today, in a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court of the United States granted […]

Cambridge Christian School Tells Federal Appeals Court that Prayer at Football Game is Constitutionally Protected

June 27, 2023 • Press Releases

News Release For Immediate Release: 6.27.23 Contact: John Manning, Direct: 972-941-4453 Cambridge Christian School Tells Federal Appeals Court that Prayer at Football Game is Constitutionally Protected Lawsuit claims athletic association violated the Constitution by prohibiting prayer over the loudspeaker before a football game between two Christian schools. Jacksonville, FL—Today, […]

Texas Biology Professor Fired for Teaching Biology

June 20, 2023 • Press Releases

News Release For Immediate Release: 6.20.23 Contact: Peyton Luke, Direct: 972-941-4453 Texas Biology Professor Fired for Teaching Biology First Liberty Institute sends a letter urging reinstatement and threatens a federal lawsuit for religious discrimination. San Antonio, TX—First Liberty Institute today sent a letter to St. Philip’s College in San […]

Americans to Congress: Leave the Court Alone

June 12, 2023 • Press Releases

News Release For Immediate Release: 6.12.23 Contact: Peyton Luke, Direct: 972-941-4453  Americans to Congress: Leave the Court Alone Poll commissioned by First Liberty Institute finds more than two-thirds of Americans oppose restructuring of Court and attacks on integrity, ethics of Justices. Washington, DC—First Liberty Institute today announced the results […]

Colorado Law Blocking Pro-Life Advocacy Challenged

June 1, 2023 • Press Releases

Today, First Liberty Institute and the law firm Cooper & Kirk, PLLC, filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of Wendy Faustin, a pro-life advocate and sidewalk counselor, in the United States District Court of Colorado, claiming that state and local restrictions on engaging in speech outside of abortion centers violates the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

First Liberty Institute Statement Regarding Biden Administration’s Guidance for Prayer and Religious Expression in Public Schools

May 16, 2023 • Press Releases

Statement regarding “Guidance on Constitutionally Protected Prayer and Religious Expression in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools” issued by the Biden Administration

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