Press Releases

San Diego Venue Opens Doors to Local Church

August 8, 2022 • Press Releases

News Release For Immediate Release: 8.8.22 Contact: Peyton Luke, Direct: 972-941-4453 San Diego Venue Opens Doors to Local Church Venue reversed previous decision that prevented Awaken Church from renting after letter from law firm explains state and federal requirements San Diego, CA—Just days after receiving a letter from First […]

Unwelcoming: San Diego Church Barred from Renting Local Venue for Christmas Show Because It’s “Religious”

August 4, 2022 • Press Releases

News Release For Immediate Release: 8.4.22 Contact: Peyton Luke, Direct: 972-941-4453  Unwelcoming: San Diego Church Barred from Renting Local Venue for Christmas Show Because It’s “Religious” Attorneys urge venue to reverse decision, follow state and federal law that prevent discrimination based on religion San Diego, CA—First Liberty Institute sent […]

Military Leaders Urge U.S. Supreme Court to Honor Family of Fallen Soldier’s Request for Purple Heart

August 1, 2022 • Press Releases

Washington, DC—Today, former VA Secretary Robert Wilkie, former acting National Security Advisor Lieutenant General (Ret.) Keith Kellogg, and the Constitutional Litigation Partnership (CLP) at the America First Policy Institute (AFPI) joined First Liberty Institute in filinga friend-of-the-court brief at the Supreme Court of the United States in support of the petition for certiorari in Brown v. Wormuth, contesting the U.S. Army’s denial of a Purple Heart to SSG Joshua Berry.

Long Island City Threatens to Seize Property from Jewish Group to Build Lifeguard Center Blocks from Beach

July 18, 2022 • Press Releases

News Release For Immediate Release: 7.18.22 Contact: Peyton Luke, Direct: 972-941-4453 Long Island City Threatens to Seize Property from Jewish Group to Build Lifeguard Center Blocks from Beach Lawsuit filed by Chabad of the Beaches against the Village of Atlantic Beach to stop the village from unlawfully taking property […]

Prayer Answered: In Landmark Ruling, Supreme Court Sides with Football Coach in Battle Over Brief Prayer at 50 Yard Line

June 27, 2022 • Press Releases

News Release For Immediate Release: 6.27.22 Contact: Peyton Luke, Direct: 972-941-4453 Prayer Answered: In Landmark Ruling, Supreme Court Sides with Football Coach in Battle Over Brief Prayer at 50 Yard Line U.S. Supreme Court reverses Ninth Circuit decision allowing school district to fire coach because of his silent 15-second […]

Breaking: Supreme Court Protects Religious Liberty in Landmark Maine School Choice Decision

June 21, 2022 • Press Releases

News Release For Immediate Release: 6.21.22 Contact: Peyton Luke, Direct: 972-941-4453 Supreme Court Protects Religious Liberty in Landmark Maine School Choice Decision Supreme Court rules against states barring parents who select schools that provide religious instruction from participating in Student-Aid Program Washington, DC—Today, in Carson v. Makin, the Supreme […]

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