Press Releases

Religious Liberty Law Firm: Chaplain Prayers Are Allowed on Military Base

After a special interest group demanded chaplains stop offering prayers on military base, First Liberty advises Air Force that the law allows chaplains to pray
March 14, 2017 • Press Releases

Portsmouth, NH – Today, First Liberty Institute sent a letter to the commander of a New Hampshire Air Force base, advising him that federal law, military regulations, and the Constitution all allow prayer and Bible readings by chaplains at military events. On February 6, a special interest group sent a […]

March 2017 – Bakers Who Lost Their Bakery For Not Making Same-Sex Wedding Cake Have Day in Court

Aaron and Melissa Klein, former owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, appear at hearing before Oregon Court of Appeals
March 2, 2017 • Press Releases

Salem, Ore. – Today, the Oregon Court of Appeals heard the case of Aaron and Melissa Klein, a couple who lost their bakery for running their business according to their religious beliefs. During the oral arguments, the Kleins’ attorneys argued that the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) violated […]

February 2017 – Bakers Who Lost Their Bakery For Not Making Same-Sex Wedding Cake Will Have Day in Court

Oregon Court of Appeals will hear the Klein case on March 2; press conference will be held immediately following hearing
February 28, 2017 • Press Releases

WHAT: Aaron and Melissa Klein owned and operated a family bakery, Sweet Cakes by Melissa, in Gresham, Oregon. In 2013, a woman asked the Kleins to make a cake for her same-sex wedding. Aaron and Melissa had served the woman before, but as devout Christians, they believed that participating in […]

Members of Congress, Retired Military Generals and Others Ask Supreme Court to Take Sterling Case

February 14, 2017 • Press Releases

Washington – In an unusual occurrence in Supreme Court practice, seven parties have filed amicus briefs with the Supreme Court at the cert stage, asking the Court to take the case of Sterling v. United States. “It’s rare for a Supreme Court case to receive a single amicus brief at […]

Georgia Pays Almost a Quarter of a Million Dollars to End Pastor’s Lawsuit

State of Georgia pays Dr. Eric Walsh $225,000 to settle religious discrimination lawsuit
February 9, 2017 • Press Releases

Atlanta, Ga. – Today, First Liberty Institute announces they reached a settlement agreement between the State of Georgia and First Liberty’s client, Dr. Eric Walsh. The State of Georgia agreed to pay $225,000 to settle Dr. Walsh’s religious discrimination lawsuit. “I am grateful this trial has finally ended,” Dr. Eric […]

National Religious Liberty Expert: President Trump’s Proposed Religious Freedom Executive Order is A Fulfillment of Campaign Promises

February 2, 2017 • Press Releases

Washington, DC – Yesterday evening, a draft of a religious freedom executive order purported to be under consideration by the White House was leaked to the media. While anti-religious freedom activists immediately sounded the alarm, Kelly Shackelford, President and CEO of First Liberty Institute, says the order will simply implement common-sense […]

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