Know Your Rights. Get the Facts. Become Censor-Proof.

In today’s America, the anti-faith, anti-freedom movement is more aggressive than ever before. Radical groups, extremist politicians, and agenda-driven businesses have made it clear—they’re coming for your freedom.

Stay Protected

There’s one way make sure they don’t succeed. Stay protected with First Liberty Institute’s FREE Religious Liberty Protection Kits.

Whether your freedom is threatened at school, at your workplace, at your church, or even in the military, our protection kits will explain in detail exactly how far your right to express your faith truly extends. (Spoiler alert: you may have a lot more freedom than you think!)

Led by Kelly Shackelford, frequently cited as one of the top legal scholars in America, First Liberty Institute’s veteran team of legal experts has done all the hard work for you in these kits. You’ll learn your rights as defined by the Constitution—not by today’s politically-correct radicals.

Make sure your freedom is never censored. Get your free Religious Liberty Protection Kits today!

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