Go ALL IN with Us to Defend
Students of Faith in 2020

Give Now to Maximize Your Impact with Our $300,000 Challenge Grant

Imagine your child or grandchild being told they must HIDE THEIR FAITH at school.

Such a blatant violation of the first amendment would seem unthinkable even a decade or two ago in America—yet it is now reality. Just ask Hannah Allen, a 15-year-old middle school student from a small town in Texas.

When she gathered about 50 of her classmates in the lunchroom to pray for a fellow classmate who’d been injured in an accident, the principal told them to STOP praying. They were told that if they wanted to continue, they must go pray behind a curtain or behind closed doors.

Thankfully, Hannah knew her rights—and she had the courage to stand for them. First Liberty quickly joined the fight on her behalf, and the school hastily apologized and reversed its policy.

But this is just one of a growing number of cases like it—representing an alarming trend of attacks on the religious liberty of our students. And if we don’t act now to stop the all out war on faith in our schools, we may see this precious freedom slip away altogether.

That’s why we’re going all in to stop these attacks on the faith of American students once and for all—and why we need your support. There’s never been a better time to join the fight, thanks to our year-end $300,000 Challenge Grant which multiplies the impact of your gift.

We have the battle plan. We have the track record of success. Now, we just need you!

GIVE NOW to help us reach our $2.8M year-end goal and reclaim religious liberty for our schoolchildren

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