Be the Light:
In a Time of Crisis, You Can Help First Liberty Keep Fighting for Religious Freedom

The COVID-19 crisis is placing significant stress on pastors, religious leaders and houses of worship nationwide. The epidemic has prompted government officials to restrict public gatherings, including limits on how many people can get together for worship.

Understandably, people of faith and religious leaders are nervous about ceding too much control of their liberties to the state, and many are asking whether they can keep ministering and serving their local communities.

That’s why right now we urge you to go All In with First Liberty. With your help, our team can keep fighting for institutions serving those suffering the effects of the coronavirus.

Religious communities of all faiths play a big role in providing relief and material aid (food, clothing, medical supplies, shelter, etc.) to hard-hit areas. They serve a special purpose in times of crisis by being a light, giving spiritual guidance, comfort and hope.

First Liberty can help preserve religious liberty through you. Giving your time, resources or your prayers is how you can be a light for houses of worship and people of faith who give so much to our communities.

Please consider coming alongside First Liberty in this special time.

Will You Stand Strong and Go All In With Us to Defend Our First Freedom?

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