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Sign your name today to say NO to cancel culture and stand with Heather in the fight for faith

Heather Rooks | First Liberty Institute

Since when does quoting a Bible verse earn you a cease-and-desist letter?

Arizona school board member Heather Rooks received one for doing just that.

Heather ran for the Peoria Unified School Board after hearing about the concerning issues her kids’ schools were facing. As a former student and current parent in the district, she takes her responsibility of serving her community seriously.

During her time for board member remarks, Heather chose to open with a Bible verse. She found that each verse brought her encouragement and strength.

To be clear, each board member can offer remarks of their own choosing during this time.

But one Arizona activist group got her shut down. This group’s threatening “cease-and-desist” letter led the board leadership and attorneys to prohibit Heather from quoting Scripture.

This is wrong and illegal.

Censoring religious speech betrays what our First Amendment rights are all about. And quoting Scripture is a tradition elected officials have followed since America’s founding.

That’s why we’re defending Heather and the freedom for all Americans to express their faith freely in public.

Sign your name today to stand with Heather in the fight to express our faith.

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