Sign the Letter of Support to Stand with Lacey Smith and Marlie Brown

Alaska Airlines fired Lacey Smith and Marli Brown, two flight attendants, for expressing their religious beliefs in direct violation of federal Civil Rights law prohibiting workplace religious discrimination. The woke madness that is now governing our nation’s companies, from the boardroom to the break room, is forcing religious employees to hide their faith or risk losing their jobs.

But Lacey and Marli are not backing down. They will fight this discrimination to the very end.

Now is the time for Americans to follow Lacey and Marli in their courage. We must stand up against corporations who want them and other people of faith to be canceled.

Fill out our letter of support to encourage Lacey and Marli while standing against woke corporations:

“I stand with you! I reject woke corporations and believe religious employees shouldn’t be fired for their faith.”

(Maximum response 255 chars, approx. 5 rows of text)

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