
After Losing Her Sight, Former Nurse Gail Blair Refuses to Give Up Her Divine Assignment

August 7, 2020
Gail Blair | First Liberty

by Jorge Gomez • 2 min read + video

As a young woman, Gail was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa (RP), a genetic disorder that caused her vision to gradually start fading. But this condition didn’t stop Gail from finding a new purpose in life. She spent most of her professional career serving in the health industry, including as a Nurse Clinician at John Hopkins Hospital.

“Thank God I was walking with Jesus before I went blind. Even though my vision faded, I never lost sight of the truth that we are born again through Jesus Christ, the Son of God,” Gail said. As her condition deteriorated, and she was no longer able to work as a nurse, Gail resolved to continue helping others by gently sharing her faith with the local community.

Strolling in Wilcox Park in Westerly, Rhode Island, Gail would converse with people as they walked and would hand out pocket copies of the Gospel of John to those who voluntarily wanted to hear more about the Christian faith.

But in a brazen display of religious discrimination, park officials banned Gail from entering the park as well as the local public library. Park officials even called the police to issue a formal “Trespass Warning” threatening to arrest her if she enters the park or library within a period of two years.

In the video below, Gail shares the story of how her faith brought a renewed vision for her life, and why she believes God positioned right across from her local park as a way to fulfill her divine assignment:

Right now, First Liberty is fighting on the legal battlefront to reclaim Gail’s religious freedom, so that she can continue to fulfill God’s calling in her life.

Our legal team recently filed a discrimination charge with the Rhode Island Commission for Human Rights, alleging that local officials violated state laws for places of public accommodation, as their actions were clearly discriminatory based on our client’s religion and disability.

Please consider going All In with First Liberty by making a financial donation today. Your support will help our team vindicate Gail’s right to live out her faith.

Will you join us in helping Gail fulfill her divine assignment?

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