After 7 years of active duty in the Marine Corps and now in the Reserve, I know firsthand that our military is most effective when service members like you are free to exercise your religious beliefs in uniform. Indeed, for 70% of our armed forces—including myself—faith is one of the primary motivations for service.
But right now, service members’ religious freedom is under unprecedented attack. I’ve seen it time and time again, both as a Marine Corps officer and as a constitutional attorney. Military leadership is increasingly caving in to rogue activists and “woke” culture intent on restricting your constitutional right to live out your faith. Many service members feel like they have nowhere to turn.
That’s why we’re here. Defending your religious freedom is our first priority at First Liberty — and we do it for free. In my 8 years with our firm, I’ve won victory for the rights of numerous service members just like you facing religious discrimination. DO NOT be bullied into silence. If you feel that your rights are being threatened, make us your first call—we’ve got your six.
In our 30 years on the frontlines defending the religious liberty of our brave military heroes, we have an unparalleled victory rate. Here are just a few examples of the service members we have successfully defended—without ever charging them a cent:
Army Chaplain Andrew Calvert
Navy Chaplain Wes Modder
Army Chaplain Scott Squires
USAF Col. Leland Bohannon
USAF SMSgt Phillip Monk
USMC LCpl Monifa Sterling
Can I share my faith with other service members?
What if I am senior in rank to the other person?
What rights do military chaplains have? Is there a
difference between my off-duty and on-duty religious
freedom? Get the answers to these questions and more
in our protection kit—put together by FLI’s legal experts.