Religious Liberty in the Military

First Liberty Institute is engaged on the front line fight for our service members on this ever-growing, ever-changing battlefield.

Historically, freedom of religious expression in the military has been guarded by the U.S. Constitution, Department of Defense regulations, service branch regulations, as well as many subsequent legal precedents.

Today, however, even military chaplains are subject to attack and persecution for following their religious beliefs. And the attacks by radical groups upon our military institutions and service members continues to grow at an alarming rate.

The fact (and irony) is…the very men and women who risk their lives to defend freedom on a daily basis — are now finding their own, most basic religious freedoms at risk.

Seasoned and successful in defending active service members, veterans, and veterans memorials, First Liberty works to ensure that:

  • Military members are free to hold and practice their faith as their religion and conscience dictate, without any fear or threat.
  • Military chaplains are free to hold and practice their faith as their religion and conscience dictate without any fear or threat, including counseling and teaching according to their faith.
  • Religious military support organizations are free to minister to members of the military and their family without any fear or threat.
  • Veterans are free to honor their own through public expressions of faith, such as honoring God at military funerals.
  • Veterans are free to honor their own through memorials and monuments that contain religious imagery, such as crosses and Stars of David.

Stay Protected

Military Protection Kit | First LibertyFind the answers to your questions about religious freedom in our nation’s armed forces by downloading First Liberty’s free Religious Liberty Protection Kit for the U.S. Military.

Right now, as attacks on military members’ religious freedom continue to rise, we encourage you to share our Military Protection Kit with anyone you know that is currently serving – or anyone who’s retired – from the military.

With this information, you can help defend and protect the rights of those who sacrifice and who risk their lives for our freedom.

But this is only the surface of the many protections that are given to members of our armed forces. You and millions of Americans and military families are asking very important questions:

  • Can I share my faith with other service members? What if I am senior in rank to the other person?
  • What rights do military chaplains have?
  • Is there a difference between my off-duty and on-duty religious freedom?
  • What should I do if my religious accommodation request is denied?
  • Have military members been successful in protecting their religious rights in the legal system?

Find the answers to your questions about religious liberty in our nation’s armed forces by downloading First Liberty’s free Religious Liberty Protection Kit for the U.S. Military.


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