
800+ Attend Pro-Israel Summit in Nashville with Help of Dave Ramsey

May 24, 2024
800+ Attend Pro-Israel Summit in Nashville | First Liberty Insider

by Jorge Gomez • 2 min read

Great news to report on our client HaYovel, a ministry that helps Jewish farmers in Israel.

You may recall that we stepped in to represent HaYovel last week after their Israel Summit—a gathering of pro-Israel supporters—was initially canceled because pro-Hamas agitators made threats and tried to stop the event from happening.

We’re really excited because the first Israel Summit took place this week and it was huge success.

Here’s a post from an attendee so you get a glimpse of how the conference went:

In case you missed it, here’s First Liberty Executive General Counsel Hiram Sasser giving us an update on how the case got resolved in a way that worked out positively for everybody:

At one point, it seemed like HaYovel wasn’t going to have a space for their conference. That’s when Christian financial advisor Dave Ramsey graciously offered to host the summit at the Ramsey Solutions Event Center located on the outskirts of Nashville.

Even better, Ramsey offered the venue at no cost!

“Ramsey Solutions is proud to stand beside our friends from Israel by providing them a safe place to hold their event as our gift to them,” the organization stated.

With the help of Ramsey Solutions, HaYovel and their partner organizations were also able to livestream the event so that more people could join online.

HaYovel even told us that their registration numbers nearly doubled. At first, they were expecting to have about 400 people in attendance. Within a few days of securing the new venue, the number jumped to about 800—plus many more who attended via livestream. They also received a huge outpouring of support from the community, including people offering to cater food.

Thank you for supporting First Liberty. Thanks to you, our attorneys were able to quickly jump in the fight for HaYovel and make sure they could freely live out their mission. Your gift made a huge impact on this ministry.

Read More:

Washington Examiner: Dave Ramsey offers new venue for pro-Israel summit after previous hotel canceled

 All Israel: After cancelation by pro-Palestinian activists, Israel Summit opens in Nashville with help of Dave Ramsey

CBN News: Israel Summit to Begin at Ramsey Center; Nashville Hotel Apologizes for Cancellation

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