
Around the Institute: What’s Happening at First Liberty

August 4, 2023
Around the Institute | First Liberty Insider

A weekly roundup of important headlines and exciting things happening at First Liberty.

Attorney Holly Randal on One America News 

First Liberty recently testified at a Congressional hearing held by the House Oversight Subcommittee on the impact of vaccines mandates. First Liberty Associate Counsel Holly Randall appeared on One America News discussing the hearing. Watch below:

Chief Legal Officer Jeff Mateer Joins in School Choice Forum

Our Executive Vice President Chief Legal Officer Jeff Mateer participated in the Herzog Foundation’s Florida School Choice Forum, held at the largest Christian school in the state, Calvary Christian Academy.

Farewell to Our Summer Interns  

We said a bittersweet goodbye this week to our summer interns. What a tremendous blessing it’s been to have these bright and passionate leaders on our team for the past several weeks.

This summer we welcomed more than 25 law students and undergraduates to our internship program. They had an opportunity to learn directly from the best lawyers and legal experts in the country defending religious liberty.

The next generation will soon lead our country and will carry the great responsibility of preserving its heritage of religious liberty for all. Like never before, they must be prepared to fight for our first freedom. “Educating and training the next generation about religious liberty is among the most important investments for our country,” says First Liberty President and CEO Kelly Shackelford.

We wish our interns all the best as they continue their studies, careers and future endeavors.

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