
Stunning and Spectacular: Awaken Church’s Night of Christmas Celebration

December 23, 2022
Fli Insider | Awaken Christmas Victory

by Jorge Gomez • 5 min read

Earlier this year, First Liberty secured a victory for Awaken Church, a non-denominational congregation in San Diego, California. For their Christmas program, the church requested to rent the Rady Shell, a concert venue owned by the San Diego Symphony Orchestra Association. The association refused, saying it would not rent to religious organizations.

Our legal team sent a demand letter, explaining that these actions were illegal. Within days, venue officials changed their decision and agreed to rent to Awaken Church.

Today, we’re happy to report that the church recently held its Night of Christmas celebration—and the event was a resounding success!

Church staff sent First Liberty a message expressing their gratitude, and we wanted to share it with you:

“Thank you for helping the kingdom advance victoriously. It was the most stunning and spectacular event we have ever done as a church and one that San Diego has ever witnessed. Both shows were completely sold out!”

Your support of First Liberty has a tremendous, tangible impact on churches and communities all across our country. If it were not for your steadfast support, Awaken Church wouldn’t have been able to pull off this magnificent celebration. Below you can watch a recap of the event:

Additionally, here are several photos showcasing this incredible production, featuring classic carols, live fireworks, a symphony orchestra, breathtaking aerialists, captivating storytelling and so much more:

Beyond giving members of their community a joyful and stirring experience, Awaken Church also uses its annual Christmas program to minister and help people in need. The proceeds from every ticket to Night of Christmas sold are donated to helping the homeless in San Diego County. As San Diego faces a homelessness crisis—with a 10% increase in the last two years alone—the church partners with We See You San Diego and Solutions for Change to donate the profits from ticket sales to these impactful organizations.

We can’t thank you enough for supporting First Liberty and helping make Awaken Church’s Night of Christmas celebration a reality.

You’re the one propelling our work and making a huge difference not only for Awaken Church, but also for countless houses of worship. As we often say, a win for one is a win for all. Every American wins whenever a house of worship, ministry or religious person is given back the freedom to live out their faith.

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