
Easter and Passover Remind Us Why We Must Protect America’s Greatest Blessing: Religious Liberty

April 2, 2021
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by Kelly Shackelford3 min. read + video

This weekend, Jewish and Christian Americans will celebrate two of the most important religious holidays for their respective faiths: Passover and Easter.

Like millions of Americans, my family and I are looking forward to celebrating this Easter Sunday more than ever before, especially when we think back to this same time last year.

In 2020, this special and sacred season of the year was marked by government officials shutting down houses of worship all across the country. Even the act of attending a religious service in-person (or even a safe CDC compliant drive-in service) was on the verge of being considered a criminal act.

But the good news is that in 2021, the state of our First Freedom looks starkly different, and indeed much more hopeful than it did a year ago.

Today, religious freedom is shining vibrantly in America—and it’s in large part thanks to YOU, a partner in this crucial battle. We cannot do all this without your continued prayers and financial support. You truly are the backbone of First Liberty. All the great legal minds at First Liberty, both staff and volunteer, would not be able to do what they do if it were not for you.

That’s why, on this Easter and Passover weekend, I want to encourage every American, including myself, to take a moment to be thankful for how blessed we are to live in a country built on the promise and the principle of religious liberty.

Please watch the video below. Not only do I want to express my gratitude to you for faithfully supporting First Liberty, but I also want to explain the many reasons we can have hope and confidence that together, and through God’s grace, we’ll keep winning the battle for religious freedom in America:

Even with so many incredible opportunities and victories that we secured this past year, opponents of freedom will always find new excuses to restrict our right to freely live out our faith. As the Founding Fathers warned, our constitutional rights are always in danger if we don’t stay vigilant.

Unless we answer the call to protect religious freedom and the Constitution, everyone’s liberty and their God-given rights, including your own, will be in peril of being stripped away. And you realize that if religious liberty is lost, America isn’t America anymore.

Right now, in this troubling time of cancel culture and religious hostility, you’re exactly the kind of person First Liberty appreciates having on our team—someone who isn’t afraid to stand boldly and speak truth!

We are doubling down on our efforts to meet the rising scale and intensity of attacks occurring in this chaotic time, and we urgently need your support unlike ever before.

Together we will save the Constitution and the religious freedom it guarantees. It’s the only way to preserve the America we know and love.

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