
America’s Religious History Brought to Life

July 5, 2024
Wallbuilders Live | FLI Insider

Jorge Gomez • 1 min read

This week on First Liberty Live, we’re on location at the WallBuilders’ headquarters with their President, Tim Barton.

WallBuilders is an organization that helps Americans remember and preserve the true history of our great nation, with an emphasis on the moral, religious and constitutional foundation,

First Liberty is representing WallBuilders after several of their ads were unconstitutionally rejected because they were religious. In May, we secured an important first win in this case. A federal district court ordered the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority to accept and run two advertisements.

In this episode, Tim takes us through a selection of artifacts, documents and books, many of them first edition originals from the Founding era. If you want to learn more about the unique influence of faith throughout American history, this episode is for you!

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