by Jorge Gomez & Mia Gradick • 3 min read + video
The protests, unrest and chaos that have unfolded in cities across America have focused a new and powerful spotlight on the ongoing discrimination against local faith communities.
We are indeed watching history unfold as government officials put strict caps on reopening houses of worship, yet they’re allowing masses of people to congregate for protests.
At the same time, as many parts of the nation are in the process of reopening, politicians have continually made the mistake of treating America’s houses of worship as just another social club. They’ve arbitrarily decided that churches aren’t as “essential,” and assigned minimal value to religious communities compared to laundromats, liquor stores and banks. While these have stayed open throughout this period of time, houses of worship that provide dynamic, essential services and sustain the heart and soul of a nation have been forced to remain closed.
In our most recent episode of FLI Live!, we spoke at length about these issues with Dr. Albert Mohler Jr., leading Christian theologian and President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. First Liberty’s CEO Kelly Shackelford and Dr. Mohler took a deeper look at the current constitutional crisis, how it’s harming churches and religious organization all over the nation, and what we must do to stop it. In case you missed it, the broadcast is available below:
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In addition to this special segment, we encourage you to learn about First Liberty’s ongoing effort calling on Congress to protect America’s houses of worship as they reopen.
Dr. Mohler and the faith community nationwide are going “All In Together” to help ensure that legal attacks on people of faith don’t continue during the reopening phase of this pandemic.
Our recent written testimony to Congress included a letter signed by more than 250 pastors, rabbis, priests and other national religious leaders asking that Congress include immunity for religious organizations from negligence suits resulting from their serving the public or reopening in accordance with local orders.
Outraged by the unashamed bias and attacks against churches?
As houses of worship attempt to reopen like other secular businesses, they need to be protected from lawsuits from radical opponents seeking to destroy them.
Tell Congress: Houses of worship are essential. Protect them today.