
White Rock Chapel: Free to Worship at Last

February 23, 2024
White Rock Chapel | First Liberty Insider

by Jorge Gomez • 3 min read

In December, we announced a win for our client, White Rock Chapel, a church with a remarkable history. It was founded by freed slaves in 1884. We convinced the City Council in Addison, Texas to unanimously approve a zoning application for the church.

Previously, the city had refused to grant the permits and used zoning regulations to keep the church from living out its faith.

We caught up with Dr. Don Wesson, who shares his vision for the property. Watch below:

Impact Opportunity: Pastor Howard Kaloogian Needs Your Help

You helped deliver freedom for White Rock Chapel. But so many more churches are still fighting and searching for that win that will set them free.

Pastor Howard Kaloogian needs your help. He planted a church in New Hampshire called Grace New England. A small group of 15 or 20 people meets on Saturdays in the pastor’s barn.

But town officials say that’s not allowed. They ordered church gatherings to stop, even though they’ve allowed weddings and political rallies at the same location.

What the town is doing is illegal and discriminatory. So, we filed a lawsuit in federal court.

Give to First Liberty today—and you can help us win for Pastor Howard and his church.

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