
Latest News and Updates on Radical Court “Reform”

September 27, 2024
Full Court Press | First Liberty Insider

by First Liberty Institute • 5 minutes

The Supreme Court and our judicial system are under attack. Every day, we see a new headline or story targeting either the Court or the justices, which is all part of a really dangerous scheme to undermine the Court’s credibility. This is an all-out assault on judicial independence, aimed at turning the nation’s highest court into an extension of whoever holds power.

Stay up to date on everything that’s happening with court “reform” and proposals to destroy our judicial system.

Supreme Court Reforms are ‘Dangerous’ Warns Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell

Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said that Vice President Kamala Harris’ support for packing the Supreme Court and imposing term limits on justices is “no secret” and threatens the institution.

McConnell pointed out that Harris “has yet to disavow her own openness to taking truly radical steps” supported by her fellow Democrats. In a speech on the Senate floor, Mr. McConnell said those steps include adding more justices to the bench to pack the court with her liberal picks and imposing term limits on the justices.

Dick Durbin Presses Chief Justice Roberts to Enact Enforceable Supreme Court Ethics Code

During the Supreme Court’s semiannual Judicial Conference, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin of Illinois directly pressed Chief Justice John Roberts on the need for enforceable ethics reforms. Durbin, who has long advocated a binding ethics code for justices, said that the adopted ethics guidelines for the high court are inadequate due to the absence of enforcement mechanisms.

Experts Warn About Mexico’s Controversial Judicial Reforms. Could the Same Happen in America?

Mexico recently approved a controversial judicial reform under which judges at all levels of government will be elected by popular vote. The size of Mexico’s Supreme Court will also be reduced from 11 to nine judges, and shortens their terms in office from 15 to 12 years. It also creates an administrative body and judicial disciplinary tribunal that will evaluate and investigate judges’ performance.

Proponents say the judicial overhaul will help with accountability and ensure that the courts are responsive to popular will. Critics call it a power grab and an attack on judicial independence. They say the change will destroy one of the last remaining checks on presidential power.

Activists and politicians in America are calling for similar reforms to the U.S. Supreme Court. Those reforms include packing the Court, ending life tenure, giving Congress power to oversee the Court’s ethics and even stripping the Court of its constitutional power to hear certain cases.


Washington Times: Presidential election is also about a fundamental transformation of the U.S. Supreme Court

by Alex Swoyer

Vice President Kamala Harris has been largely silent, but those across the political spectrum expect her to aggressively attempt to pack the court and impose other significant changes if she wins the White House.

Forbes: Trump Says Kamala Harris ‘Wants To Pack The Supreme Court’ At North Carolina Campaign Rally

by Forbes Breaking News

At his campaign event in Wilmington, North Carolina, on Saturday, former President Trump told supporters that Vice President Kamala Harris wants to pack the Supreme Court.

Reason: A Critique of Justice Kagan’s Supreme Court Ethics Reform Proposal

by Jonathan Adler

Could a panel of lower court judges evaluate ethics complaints against Supreme Court justices?

Courthouse News Service: Court reform advocates urge Senate Judiciary for hearing with Chief Justice Roberts

by Benjamin Weiss

The calls come amid reports that the Supreme Court’s top jurist helped persuade his fellow justices to take on former President Trump’s presidential immunity case — and ultimately ruled that Trump and future presidents have broad legal protections for official acts of office.

Politico: Harris backs ending filibuster for abortion rights legislation

by Megan Messerly

Kamala Harris is calling for changes to Senate procedure to pass federal legislation protecting abortion rights. Harris voiced support for ending the 60-vote threshold needed to advance most legislation in the Senate, commonly known as the filibuster.

The Hill: Opinion | The supreme crisis of Chief Justice John Roberts

by Jonathan Turley 

The court is now in an undeniable crisis of faith. For decades, institutional faith and fealty have maintained confidentiality and civility. Once again, that tradition has been shattered by the reckless and self-serving conduct of those entrusted with the court’s business.

City Journal: A Supremely Bad Idea

by James Burnham

The proposed “ethics code” for the justices is a misguided solution to a nonexistent problem.

Newsweek: Opinion | The Left’s Supreme Court ‘Reform’ Is Unconstitutional

by William E. Trachman

The Left is once again beating the drum for “Supreme Court reform.” But regardless of method, changing the Court as a reflexive response to politically undesirable decisions would not only be bad policy, but also unconstitutional.

New York Post: Opinion | NY Times smearing Chief Justice Roberts strikes new low in left’s Supreme Court war

by Post Editorial Board

In an ugly escalation of the left’s war on the Supreme Court, The New York Times last week offered up a hit on Chief Justice John Roberts, falsely charging him with “deploying his authority to steer rulings that benefited” Donald Trump in “a momentous trio of Jan. 6-related cases.”

Federalist Society: Kannon Shanmugam on the Legitimacy of the Supreme Court

by John Shu

“I believe that the criticisms of the Court’s legitimacy are unfounded. But more than that, I believe that attacks on the Court’s legitimacy are dangerous—undermining public confidence in the Court and imperiling the rule of law.” – Kannon Shanmugam 

Bloomberg Law: Top Supreme Court Litigator Defends Against ‘Dangerous’ Attacks

by Kimberly Strawbridge Robinson

A top Supreme Court litigator broke his silence in a rare defense of the US Supreme Court, calling attacks on its legitimacy “affirmatively dangerous” and “unusually toxic rhetoric.”

Wall Street Journal: Opinion | The Supreme Court Gets a Defense

by Editorial Board

A leading member of the appellate bar speaks up for the institution against political attacks.

Fox News: Dems roundly condemn death threats against Supreme Court they’ve repeatedly disparaged

by Alec Schemmel

“Gorsuch … Kavanaugh … you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price,” Sen. Chuck Schumer once said. His party recently condemned violence after news that a suspect was arrested for threatening six of the Supreme Court’s nine Justices and some of their family members.

AMAC: Mexico Judicial “Reform” Is Stark Warning for U.S.

by David Lewis Schaefer

Why should Americans concern themselves with Mexico’s undermining of the independence and integerity of its judiciary? The country’s recent reforms may serve as a harbinger of how the 2024 election could impact the Supreme Court and judicial system here in America.


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