
Interning at First Liberty Renewed My Hope for America

August 11, 2023
Mikey Berry Intern | First Liberty Insider

by Mikey Berry • 6 min read

This summer, I had the wonderful opportunity of interning with the marketing team at First Liberty. I am proud to have been part of the team over the past few months, working alongside passionate people who are tirelessly fighting to protect our religious freedom. From designing websites and collecting data to throwing a pigskin with Coach Kennedy, my experiences have been invaluable.

I believe First Liberty’s work to preserve and protect our religious liberty rights as Americans is vital. This has been my mindset from the beginning. When I decided to intern for the organization, I was excited to gain experience working with the team in designing ads and contributing to FLI Insider newsletter articles. I was also excited to be able to contribute to a cause beyond the typical summer internship.

But I did more than just contribute. I witnessed history in the making. Getting to watch a Supreme Court case ruling come down from inside the winning law firm was a rare opportunity that gave me a sense of eagerness and drive. To witness and experience the vital work First Liberty is achieving first-hand has given me a much deeper insight reaching far beyond that of marketing and analytics.

Interning at a religious liberty nonprofit has given me insight into the legal world which I never expected, and I am ever grateful for all that I learned. I gained a renewed hope for our nation’s future after having an insider experience with not only some of the brightest minds dedicated to our founding liberties but also with some of our wonderful clients like Gerald Groff and Coach Kennedy, everyday Americans like me who expressed their rights as faithful citizens.

We live at a time when our nation is facing deep moral turbulence. Amid the turbulent times, we sometimes lose hope for the future of our country. People of faith are being harassed for simply expressing their faith. A nation once inspired by religious freedom is now fighting to preserve its most important and foundational liberty.

That’s the reason I decided to join the fight here at First Liberty. Our precious First Freedom is under attack. This freedom doesn’t just allow us to openly cherish and live out our faith, but is also pivotal to the prosperity of our nation as a whole. And I think there is no better place to step up and help protect the future of this nation than with First Liberty.

Interning here bolstered my hope because I know that I am not alone in the fight. This summer, aside from some of the brightest minds in the fight for religious freedom are some of my fellow interns. I have had the pleasure of working alongside them, helping to contribute to the fight for our most sacred freedom.

As Americans, we must not lose hope in the future of this nation amid the turbulent moral battles. Evidenced by several legal victories First Liberty has achieved this summer by the grace of God, including two at the Supreme Court, our nation is waking up. As First Liberty President Kelly Shackelford often says, we are witnessing religious liberty being restored all across America. God is at work and opening new doors for every American to have more religious freedom than they’ve had in more than 50 years. That’s tremendous reason for hope!

First Liberty is investing in the future of America, and the fight is only just beginning. There has never been a more urgent need for young Americans like me to wake up and join the fight.

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