by Christine Norwood • 4 min read
As we enter spring, we’d like to update you on a new collaboration between First Liberty and the James Wilson Institute (JWI), a highly respected Washington, D.C. think tank.
JWI’s mission is to restore to a new generation of lawyers, judges and citizens the understanding of the American Founders about the first principles of our law and the moral grounds of their own rights.
Today, we’re happy to announce that First Liberty and JWI will be co-sponsoring the James Wilson Fellowship, which will be held in our nation’s capital this August.
As the James Wilson Fellowship enters its seventh year, we believe this collaboration will strengthen the programs and advance the missions of both organizations. Fifteen highly accomplished young lawyers and law students will spend a week studying the first principles of moral and legal judgment from the perspective of natural law. They will learn the real-life applications of those principles on our body of law, including how those principles can be used in the defense of religious liberty.
Similar to First Liberty’s own Fellowship Program, which is aimed at undergraduates, the JWI Fellowship is a crucial and necessary investment in the future of America. It’s how First Liberty, along with our like-minded allies, continues to develop the next generation of leaders, sharpening their skills and developing their knowledge in order to influence the law and the broader culture.
Are you, or someone you know, interested in becoming a JWI Fellow?
Please submit your application by April 22, 2020.
What makes the JWI Fellowship unique?
Fellows have an opportunity to engage in high-level, rigorous discussion with top legal scholars, who will equip and empower them with the resources, tools and training to become first-class advocates for religious liberty.
And in this time of rising hostility against faith and religious expression—when many opponents deliberately distort the Constitution to attack our First Freedom—this one-of-a-kind program is geared to teach elite young lawyers how to advocate for the Constitution’s original intent.
Through our collaboration with JWI, we’re helping America’s future lawyers build a solid foundation regarding why our country and our courts need to get “Back to the Constitution,” and how to restore the principles and ideals that have guarded our freedoms for over two centuries.
Watch the video below to hear first-hand from JWI Fellows on how the program has impacted their lives and how many have emerged as “whole new lawyers” because of the Fellowship:
The next generation must be prepared to fight for our First Freedom. Today’s young lawyers will one day become the leadership of the legal community and will soon bear the great responsibility of preserving our heritage of religious liberty.
Here at First Liberty, we’re truly honored to partner with the James Wilson Institute and its founder and director, Hadley Arkes. We look forward to forging a lasting, promising relationship that will strengthen both organizations as we continue the critical work of reclaiming religious liberty, as well as the moral foundations of the Constitution.
For those interested in learning more about JWI, or about the JWI Fellowship, please visit their website at:
First Liberty is leading the charge to raise a new generation of bold and passionate religious-freedom advocates.
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