
Latest News and Updates on Radical Court “Reform”

October 11, 2024
Full Court Press | First Liberty Insider

by First Liberty Institute • 5 minutes

The Supreme Court is under attack. Stay up to date on everything that’s happening with radical court “reform” and efforts to undermine our judicial system.

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The Supreme Court has made recent decisions based on the text and original meaning of the Constitution. That’s why “The Swamp” is closing in. They call it “reform.” But it’s really a Supreme Court Coup. They want to pack the Court by adding extra justices who are extra radical. They’re also floating term limits to purge the Court’s conservatives.

If they swamp the court, the whole country goes under. That’s why we have to stop the Supreme Court Coup. Share this video on social media or forward to a friend.

The Future of The Supreme Court Is at Stake

Jordan J. Ballor—director of research at First Liberty’s Center for Religion, Culture & Democracy—writes about the threats to our judicial system, the Supreme Court and what’s at stake in this coming election:

Supreme Court reform has bookended President Biden’s term. One of his final public policy ideas was a series of unnecessary and unwise changes to the nation’s highest court.

Vice President Kamala Harris has picked up right where Biden left off. Her campaign promotes what she calls “common-sense Supreme Court reforms,” which include ideas previously made by Biden, such as the imposition of term limits and an ethics commission. These efforts are actually aimed at a radical remaking of the Supreme Court, an institution that has been one of the only effective checks against an increasingly aggressive and comprehensive progressive agenda.

Democrats have floated a variety of “reforms,” from term limits to political ethics commissions to expanding the number of justices on the court. While none of these are good ideas, adding more justices beyond nine is both the most dangerous as well as the most feasible. All it would take to “pack” the court with ideological appointees is an agreement between the Executive and Legislative branches.

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CNN Thinks It’s a Problem for the Supreme Court to Hear Religious Freedom Cases

The Supreme Court has ruled favorably for religious freedom in recent years, restoring free exercise protections to millions of Americans. But CNN doesn’t seem to like this whatsoever.

The news outlet recently ran a piece that paints a distorted picture, making it seem as if it’s wrong for groups like First Liberty and other public interest law firms to ask the Supreme Court to take up religious freedom cases.

“Religious interest groups are queuing up a series of high-profile appeals at the Supreme Court this fall that could further tear down the wall separating church and state,” CNN wrote. “Several of the groups involved are anxious for a further expansion of the First Amendment’s free exercise clause.”

This is just another line of attack against the Supreme Court for issuing decisions that are consistent with the original text and meaning of the Constitution. It’s all about undermining the Court’s credibility and the authority of its rulings. Because they dislike recent decisions, they use this as an excuse to push for extreme and sweeping changes to the Supreme Court.

Senators Introduce Bill to Ban Gifts for Supreme Court Justices

Several senators recently introduced the “High Court Gift Ban Act,” a bill that would prohibit justices from receiving gifts valued at more than $50. Similar legislation was introduced in the House earlier this year.

The bill’s proponents say this would supposedly restore “faith and integrity” to the Court. It appears they have a misguided idea of what “integrity” means. That’s not what this legislation is about. This is just another part of making Americans hallucinate misconduct about the conservative justices on the Court.

If this were really about “integrity,” the radical Left wouldn’t just hyperfocus on the conservative justices. The double standard is clear. The far Left ignores and overlooks similar accusations of “ethics violations” against Democrat-appointed justices.

Judicial experts have also explained that radical groups are notorious for playing fast and loose with the definition of “gift.” Thomas Jipping of the Heritage Foundation pointed out that this was exactly the case when Fix the Court—one of the most zealous court “reform” pushers—smeared Justice Clarence Thomas.

“Fix the Court used its own definition of ‘gift,’” Jipping said. “The group assigned whatever dollar figure they wanted to these ‘gifts’ that Thomas was not required to disclose.”

“Those are just some of the misdirections and sleights-of-hand Fix the Court deployed to come up with numbers that they can then use to suggest that justices like Thomas, who interpret the Constitution as it’s written rather than making one up to fit the political agenda of this leftist group and its fellow travelers, are, well, just bad,” Jipping added.

Newsweek: Supreme Court Sees New Call for Reform From Prominent Bar Association

by Kaitlin Lewis

The New York City Bar Association said the Constitution grants Congress the power to enact “binding and enforceable ethics rules” for members of the Supreme Court.

Daily Signal: Dems Hatch Another Plot to Pack Supreme Court

by S.A. McCarthy

Leftists in Congress are once again trying to remake the Supreme Court to suit their own political purposes.

Newsweek: Kamala Harris Faces Potential Supreme Court Justice Battle

by Sean O’Driscoll

Sen. John Cornyn of Texas is vowing to block a Kamala Harris presidency from placing a left wing “radical” on the Supreme Court.

National Review: A Weak Defense of Court-Packing and Kamala Harris

by Dan McLaughlin

A response to New York Magazine’s article defending radical court-packing. The liberal publication fails to explain the most menacing aspect of Kamala Harris’s record: Her endorsement of the Biden court-packing plan, coming as it does after she outright endorsed expanding the Supreme Court in 2019.

National Review: Wyden Court-Packing Plan the Latest from Unhinged Democrats

by Carrie Severino

Sen. Ron Wyden introduced legislation to pack the Supreme Court. This came on the heels of President Biden and Vice President Harris proposing their own multi-tiered assault on the structure of the high court.

Newsweek: ‘All Bets Are Off’ in Donald Trump Cases at Supreme Court—Legal Analyst

by Rachel Dobkin

Glenn Kirschner, a former U.S. assistant attorney who is a frequent critic of the current Supreme Court, took a jab at the Court saying that “all bets are off” in former President Donald Trump’s cases.

Sacramento Bee: Opinion | The Supreme Court Is Not Corrupt or Ideologically Out Of Step With The Country

by Patrick Tuohey

Left-of-center writers have targeted the Supreme Court’s conservative members; politicians call the body out of touch, undemocratic and corrupt. But the Court’s role is to uphold the Constitution, not to be democratic or representative. A good court must resist being either.

American Family News: What The Dems Call ‘Reform’ First Liberty Calls End of Our Republic

by Chris Woodward

Aware of landmark court rulings that have enraged the Far Left, a religious liberty law firm is hoping an ad campaign will remind voters what is at stake on Election Day.

Washington Examiner: Harris’s Promise to Shred Our Democratic Norms Should Worry You

by May Mailman

Harris’s attack on long-standing norms, including those governing the Supreme Court, flirts with fire. Destruction is what Harris’s political oversight plan for the Supreme Court, euphemistically called “ethics reform,” accomplishes.

HotAir: Democrats Are Already Trying to Pack the Court

by Jazz Shaw

We were openly warned by the liberals that if they took back full control of Congress that they planned on packing the Supreme Court to dilute the power of the current conservative majority on the bench.

Fox News: SCOTUS Kicks Off Historic Term Under Scrutiny Amid Ethics Code Debate

by Bill Mears

The Supreme Court began its new term on Monday, Oct. 7 amid a wave of scrutiny and criticism over several recent rulings.


First Liberty Institute is leading the charge to protect America’s judiciary and our constitutional freedoms. Fighting for religious freedom, or any constitutional freedom, means nothing if our system of justice is gone.

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