
Never Forget Why—Remembering 9/11 with Liberty Institute

September 11, 2015

We remember that Tuesday morning—the calls from family telling us to turn on the TV; the continuous and haunting reel of planes, buildings, and smoke; the sinking feeling in our stomachs. How could we ever forget?

That day, we collectively felt the pain and grief that many of us had only heard about—and tried not to imagine. That day, we understood evil, loss, sacrifice—and heroism and national pride.

It’s hard to believe it has been 14 years since September 11, 2001. But as time passes and wounds heal, we must remember why we were attacked. We must be even more vigilant in guarding the religious freedoms and values that were, in large part, targets of the 9/11 attackers.

And we must keep the sacrifices of our fellow Americans—including first responders and members of our military who, without flinching, leapt into action, many of them making the ultimate sacrifice—alive in our memories, and honored in public memorials appropriately adorned with religious images of sacrifice.

 As Ronald Reagan said of fallen heroes, “We will always remember . . . that we may always be free.”

Friends of Liberty Institute, in honor of the memory of the Americans who fell on September 11 and its aftermath, let us “always remember.” Only if we learn to truly value our freedoms, including our religious freedom, can we help protect those freedoms—and ensure that the deadly attacks and noble sacrifices of years past are not forgotten.

To the rest of the world, America beckons as one of the last bastions of freedom. Those of us who remember “9/11” experienced—perhaps for the first time—hatred toward the freedoms we enjoy as Americans. We witnessed our buildings crumble, we saw innocent neighbors die, but we also saw an entire nation rise up in unity and pride. Sadly, we have also seen many of our citizens forget, neglect, or even question the freedoms and values that were attacked that day. Those freedoms and values must therefore be defended, even in our own society, with steadfast resoluteness.

Let us resolve to remember. May our respect for those fallen lives swell, our love for our foundational freedom and values deepen, and our resolution to defend them— in every arena where they are contested—continue to grow.

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About Liberty Institute
Liberty Institute is a nonprofit legal group dedicated to defending and restoring religious liberty across America — in our schools, for our churches, in the military and throughout the public arena. Liberty’s vision is to reestablish religious liberty in accordance with the principles of our nation’s Founders. For information, visit

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