Around the Institute: What’s Happening at First Liberty
A weekly roundup of important headlines and exciting things happening at First Liberty.

Creating a Legacy of Religious Freedom Starts With Careful Estate Planning
The third week in October is National Estate Planning Awareness Week. If you’re someone who wants to leave a legacy of religious freedom for future generations, one of the best ways to do so is through estate planning.

Texas City Threatens to Close Church, Says ‘Voting Cannot Occur in Any Church Building’
City officials in Rowlett, Texas don’t want Freedom Place Church to serve as an early voting location. What’s more, the city is threatening to shut down the church.

Fired Flight Attendants Ask Federal Appeals Court to Vindicate Their Religious Liberty Rights
Alaska Airlines fired our clients Lacey Smith and Marli Brown over their religious beliefs. They sued for religious discrimination and are now fighting their case at the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Huge Momentum for Religious Freedom Cases in One of America’s Toughest Courts
Fighting a religious freedom case at the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is a difficult task. But three recent wins for religious employers in just the last few months are a sign of hope for victories in future cases.

Latest News and Updates on Radical Court “Reform”
The Supreme Court is under attack. Every day, we see a new headline or story targeting either the Court or the justices. Stay up-to-date on everything that’s happening with court “reform” and ideas to destroy our judicial system.