Knights of Columbus Recognized With 2024 Onderdonk Religious Liberty Award
We were at The American Legion National Convention this week to present the Knights of Columbus with a special award.

Former US Attorneys General Say Supreme Court Should Be Presidential Debate Topic
First Liberty and four former U.S. Attorneys General say the Supreme Court should be a focus issue at the next presidential debate on September 10th. Debate moderators should ask where the candidates stand on court packing and Supreme Court nominations.

Poll: Most Americans Reject Biden’s Radical Court ‘Reform’ Scheme
Americans reject the Biden administration’s plan for Supreme Court “reform,” according to a Mason-Dixon poll commissioned by First Liberty.

Radical Court “Reform” Will Destroy a Judicial System That’s Worked for 230+ Years
The far Left insists on destroying the constitutional order. They want to “fix” the Supreme Court—but only to rig it in their favor.

First Liberty Supports World Vision, Christian Humanitarian Nonprofit, in Major Employment Case
We filed a brief in federal appeals court on behalf of World Vision, helping them have the right to hire people who share their values.

Experts Warn: A Kamala Harris Administration Could Mean More Radical Judicial Nominees
First Liberty has consistently warned about the Biden administration’s radical and controversial judicial nominees – Harris could be the same.